One useful signal I have found to be fairly reliable is bullish divergences of MACD Histogram and price (price makes lower lows as histogram makes higher lows) especially on weekly charts.

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Thank you, William. I’m happy to hear the bullish divergence has been effective for you. Personally, I moved away from chart patterns nearly a decade ago, finding them too unreliable for my strategy. These days, my approach is entirely rules-based, with each move driven by quarterly price change rather than chart patterns.

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Oh absolutely! I’ve been a Sig follower for many years and will retire comfortably as I transfer my 9Sig 401k to Income Sig in the next two years. In fact, I’m already just working part time and supplementing with a second Income Sig account. I was just meaning I have success in a side fun account doing some chart trading and MACD-H has been quite consistent. 90% of my stuff is Sig as your approach is far more repeatable, logical, and requires very little work. Thanks for all you and your team do!

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